Confession | Fashionably Privileged | Culture

Photo from a party I hosted at the Dina Collection in Beverly Hills, CA

With all the intense things happening in the world today I find it hard to find the enthusiasm to blog about fashion and beauty topics when a lot of it just seems so frivolous. The struggle of #firstworldproblems - I take a look at what is happening around the world and I get lost in my emotions, paralyzed by sadness that I can't justify blogging the same way I use to...

I find myself engulfed in the stories about conflicts taking place around the world - ethnic bigotry, senseless acts of violence, responded by pretentious behavior and even more disheartening intentional acts of violence. The world is bleeding from the seams - violence, brutality, death, suffering, injustice, racism, hate, bigotry, killing, disrespecting and dehumanizing one another when small populations live in communities that complain about petty bull shit. I ask myself why is the gap so wide? And what can I do to make a difference? Especially with my privilege?

Just yesterday, during a meeting, world events and community events where discussed and the question was asked, "Are things really worse then 100 years ago, or are we just more informed because of the internet, social media and its widening access." Brutal acts of violence blanket humanity's history, is it just in our nature - our human defect - BUT can we reprogram ourselves?

When I see videos of glamorous Haute Couture fashion show taking place in Rome, Italy and the praise of its superficial display of wealth I can't help but experience unsettling emotions. How can we celebrate exhibitions of impractical standards when so many people are suffering and social unrest is exploding? Yes, their work is beautiful, the coordination of the production is massively impressive and for 15 minutes people forgot about how awful life can be - BUT who is it helping? CAN we transform these platforms that we LOVE into a mindful fashion community?

I confess, I am child of privilege AND I've been proud and ashamed by it. TODAY, I am grateful for my universal blessings that so many are not so lucky. Honestly, I've never truly felt fulfilled by wealth and I choose NOT to participate in ignorance. I can't blog the same way anymore, my eyes are open and my heart is hurting. I just want to wrap the world in love and take faith in the GREATER GOOD. But I have no idea where to start other then through my talents. First, I've had to learn to embrace who I am and where I come from.

Now that I am in acceptance, how can I do more with this BLOG to have a truly profound impact? What I want for the Stylist Handbook - is to not just talk about fashion and beauty but my LIFE! The true struggles that go beyond first world problems - I want to go on a journey and learn how to style a mindful lifestyle. The challenge I face, we all face - is to adapt ourselves from a place of conspicuous consumption to conscious consumption. For me, I know I have the gift of communication and marketing, so I want to explore that better and search for ways I can be of service while remodeling myself to be mindful and practice conscious style.

I welcome recommendations, advice and resources. I will share my experience, heartbreaks and failures while I do my best to make progress. You can either join in positively or harden yourself by participating negatively. Because no one is perfect and that is okay! Just don't give up on learning to love yourself, wherever you come from!
