6 Way to Style Your Skincare Routine to Fight Acne

Its Acne Awareness Month... don't we have a day and month for just about everything nowadays. I'm sure it will continue on as long as we current to grow as a culture. The word acne ignites multiple emotional reactions for many, those who have battled acne for years identify in a rather wounded soldier with war scars to show as the proof of the battle. Myself included I have battled acne for years and have hidden in my own home when my breakouts have been rather out of control. You can watch a video here of my own troubles with acne and what works for me. Everyone is difference and therefor so should be your skincare solution. 

Styling your skincare routine to work for your needs and lifestyle can help you feel more confident about your skin and give the break you to focus on you. When I say style, I truly mean you need to work your lifestyle to fit your goals. Therefore, if it includes foods, habits and products which you do or use everyday how you do them and use them is you styling your life to work for your goals... You still following? 

Here are the 5 key lifestyle changes you can make to get clearer, acne-free skin:

Bottled water is so untrendy these days as its wasteful, bad for the environment and adds to pollution. There are better ways to say hydrated and have the right container, canister or thermos to carry and store your water for your on the go or relaxed lifestyle. Furthermore, where you get your water from should always be taken into consideration... Also, have lots of sweet drinks with water in them doesn't count, you should actually day an extra glass of water for every glass of sugar or caffeine drink you consume. Regardless, if your not drinking straight up water and I'm talk like 100 FL OZ a day then your not feeding your skin and body its make ingredient for a health body.

Did you know your skin sheds almost a million skin cells in a 24 hour period? Gross right, your dead skin is everywhere, its in your household dust, your clothes, your sheets, you name anything your near or on they are there. Those dead cells are a number one culprit for clogging the pores on your face and body. This is why giving yourself a good scrubbing once a week is healthy. You can try any of our DIY scrub remedies or my favorite from Rodan + Fields ENHANCEMENTS Micro-Dermabrasion Paste. This leeds me to my next point with how important it is to moisturize.

If your skin is too dry its shedding twice as many dead skin cells, furthermore, it will produce more oils naturally to self moisture causing skin to have an unhealthy balance therefore clogging pores. Using oil based moisturizers you can just add to the clogging and so can over washing. Finding the right moisture can be difficult, see tip 6 for more information on the Perfect Skincare. My favorite moisturize from Rodan + Fields REDEFINE Triple Defense Treatment, which has SPF 30 to also help protect against sun damage.

Try more vibrate and colorful foods that are still in their natural state but yet not so boring by adding spices and mixing other interesting flavors. Juicing has become a huge hit however bottled juices can contain loads of sugar. Stick with fresh pressed juices or veggie smoothes with a touch of fruit that are low in sugar, like green apples, bananas, pears, and blueberries. When eating veggies with oils and some vinaigrette dressings they can make breakout around you lips so for go creams or sauces that don't have added sugar and low sodium. Try an at home delivery food solution like Paleta where fresh prepared meals are delivered to your door.

According to the Kathleen Hou of the Cut, "The GI tract and skin are both organs of detoxification. We need a healthy microbiome in the gut to break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate toxins. When our gut flora is not healthy, and there are more bad bacteria than good bacteria, a lot of problems can arise — including chronic inflammation, which is a cause of acne and other skin problems. Some bad bacteria, fungus, and yeast can even cause inflammation in and of themselves. So, if you are looking to clear up your skin, you have to start with your gut."

Discovering the perfect skincare products, system and so forth can be expensive, time consuming and annoying. The great news is that in today's world you can either talk to a dermatologist or an independent beauty professional. When it comes to my go to products for my skincare and acne needs I choose Rodan + Fields. They have a vast network of consultants who work in a team environment to support and education one another about the products, how they work and how to make them work for you. The line is designed in a way that you can cater your own solution within the many regimens. If your interested to find out more, contact me and I'll help you get started. I currently use Unblemish by Rodan + FIelds to battle my acne breakouts and it works the best with the least amount of harsh chemicals.


Sources: How stuff works, The Cut

